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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Already 3 Months

So it has been three months since I have found myself to be a mommy of TWO! And at 6:57 in the am I am finally able to sit for a few moments and play catch-up.


Lets see, highlights of the first month. Well, Savannah was born October 20th. She was a healthy 6 pound 7 ounce, 19 inch long baby girl. She was too cute. A head full of hair and all. At first Blake was not quite sure what to think about her. He was curious but still keeping his distance. He didn't believe us when we would tell him that she was going to be so small. We had a great Halloween. Blake was some crypt keeper and Savannah was a yellow belt taekwondo-er. Yes we dressed her up. Savannah didn't really cry at night. she would make grunting noises when she would wake up (every two hours) so I'd get her before she would fully cry. Randy was able to take about two weeks off from work and help out at home. Blake was a big helper too.


During the second month, Savannah started to use her crying voice. She also manage to find her non-screaming/crying voice and started to actually talk. She also found that she could kick or push with her feet (always pushing on her daddy). She would randomly sleep about 5 hours through the night. I pleasantly enjoyed it. She started to stay awake a good portion of the day. She also decided that 11pm seemed like a good bed time for her. There were days when I was ready for bed at 8, but noooooooooo. Savannah had other plans. Blake warmed up to Savannah a bit this month. He would blow her kisses; but not actually kiss her. Lets not forget smiling. She started to make huge grins when she would be spoken to. Her smiles are just too cute.

Now we have the third month. A lot happened during this phase. Savannah discovered her toes. When she is bare foot she will put the bottoms of her feet together and squish her toes together. We are working on the "tummy time"- not a big fan of tummy time. She does sleep through the night though. She will go to bed anywhere between 9-10 and wake up between 5-7 the next morning. its very nice. finally, Savannah found out what it was like to have her shots. She did not like them at all. Poor baby was in pain all day. I was finally able to give her Tylenol and she was better.
We had a wonderful Christmas. Blake got everything he wanted. We got him a new bike thanks to an awesome deal my sister was able to get for us. He scored on some pretty cool toys. Savannah got a few things too. Granted she was just over two months, but a couple rattles here, a play mat there, a baby doll, first piggy bank. She got a nice little handful of items. Blake is doing much better with Savannah. He actually talks to her and tries to make her smile. I think it took him a while to get used from going from an only child to have a sister. His world got changed in one day. He's adjusted fairly well. I make sure I take time to play board games or play army men with him. Watch a movie or something so he doesn't feel like Savannah takes up all my time.
Randy's doing pretty well. He has been lucky enough to not have to change a diaper...yet. Currently Savannah is favoring me. I will enjoy it while it lasts, I'm sure there will be a time when she will favor her daddy, but until then. She is all mine!!! =)

Pictures coming soon.

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